KurdCoin is Utility coin, can be used with many online solutions, trading of cryptocurrencies, and HODL of KRDS. Anyone can send or receive any amount of money with anyone else, anywhere on the planet, conveniently and without restriction. It’s the dawn of a better, more free world.
KurdCoin is the simplest way to exchange money at very low cost.
Application for Smartphones, to make all access and transactions easier.
Highest security transaction which protected by full secure blockchains.
KRD avaiable in many platforms and applications, Lobstr, KurdWallet and Solar.
Market professional system will be helper to you find the best deals.
Trade with many of KurdCoin Network offers, USD, IQD, KRDS, etc.
Set aside funds for programmed asset purchases, including crypto or stocks.
Start learning about Wallet with interactive tutorials. It’s fun, easy, and takes only a minute!
Many platforms, you can download Wallet application.
After download Wallet, click on "add account".
Then, click on "Create Account" here is, Done, and ready to use.
per month
of Experience
Crypto currencies are the simplest way to exchange money at very low cost.